Bulldog JH Football: NO 7th/8th-grade football practice tonight due to the weather.
almost 3 years ago, Milbank Athletics
Due to the impending forecast for tomorrow (Thursday, Sept. 2nd), the Redfield CC Invite and the Sisseton JH Golf Invite have been postponed.-----Redfield CC is tentatively scheduled for Friday, Sept. 3rd, at 10:00 am, but it will depend on how much rain they get at the golf course. Redfield will try to make a decision by 6:00 am or before regarding Friday.
about 3 years ago, Milbank Athletics
Bulldog Tennis: Today's matches in Aberdeen have been canceled. (Tuesday, Aug 31st)
about 3 years ago, Milbank Athletics
The Return-to-Learn Plan has been updated. We are seeing a few cases of COVID in the District as well as some evidence of spread within the classroom. As a result, the Milbank School District is changing its quarantine plan. The new plan will be as follows: o Students deemed to be in close contact with a confirmed positive case will be asked to quarantine for a period of 7 days and may return if no symptoms occur. o Students wearing a mask during the time of exposure will be allowed to stay in school. o Vaccinated students will also be allowed to stay in school. These changes will be effective 8.31.21. Please encourage mask usage as we are seeing not only a rise in COVID cases but RSV and Influenza as well. This plan allowed us to stay in school last year and that is our goal again this school year. Thank you for understanding. The link to the District plan is: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1514587/Fall_Start_Draft_Document_8.30.21.pdf
about 3 years ago, Milbank School District
Bulldog Cross Country: The Milbank Breathe Easy Meet has been cancel due to wet course conditions.
about 3 years ago, Milbank Athletics
Bulldog Football: Tonight, the Bulldogs host Chamberlain. The kickoff is at 7:00. The game will be Live Streamed on the NFHS Network (https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/schools/milbank-high-school-milbank-sd)
about 3 years ago, Milbank Athletics
Lady Bulldog Volleyball; tonight, the Lady Bulldogs host Webster. Matches start at 4:00. 8th-grade is at 4:00 in the elementary gym, followed by the C team at 5:15, the JV team at 6:15, and Varsity team at 7:30. The 7th-grade will play at Unity Health & Fitness at 4:00. ALL SPECTATORS FOR THE 8TH-GRADE, C TEAM, JV TEAM, AND VARSITY TEAM WILL PARK IN THE HIGH SCHOOL PARKING LOT AND ENTER THE BUILDING THROUGH DOOR 1 (Main lobby doors of the high school). The games in the elementary will be Live Streamed on the NFHS Network (https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/schools/milbank-high-school-milbank-sd)
about 3 years ago, Milbank Athletics
Reminder that Make Up Picture Day is set for August 30, 2021 for anyone who did not get their picture taken at registration!​
about 3 years ago, Technology Department
Bulldog Golf: Today's boys' golf invite at Sisseton has been postponed due to the weather.
about 3 years ago, Milbank Athletics
There have been a couple cases of COVID-19 in the District. The Milbank School District continues to strongly recommend mask wearing and monitoring your children for symptoms of COVID-19.
about 3 years ago, Milbank School District
Parents/Guardians: the school's phone lines are temporarily down. We are working to resolve the issue as soon as possible.
about 3 years ago, Milbank Elementary School
Milbank Elementary Parents/Guardians: you will be allowed to walk your child to their classroom on the first day of school; however, after the first day we would like to encourage independence and continue with our procedures from last year. The North Entrance will be used for Pre-K, JK, and Kinder students with the doors opening around 7:45. The Main Entrance will be used for students in first through fifth grade. We encourage all students to participate in our breakfast and lunch programs, which is free for all students this year. Our staff is looking forward to filling the classrooms with students again and having a great school year!
about 3 years ago, Milbank Elementary School
Parents: if you plan to send your child on the Community Bus this school year, please contact Leonne with Milbank Transit @ 432-4866 by Tuesday, August 17.
about 3 years ago, Milbank Elementary School
A reminder the Milbank High School athlete/parent meeting is tonight at 7:00 in the Milbank High School Theater. This meeting is for all athletes and parents in grades 7-12 that intend on participating in any sport during the 2021-2022 school year.
about 3 years ago, Milbank Athletics
Just a reminder that Milbank Elementary Open House is scheduled today from 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm. Students can bring their supplies, see their classroom, and meet their teacher. Hope to see you there!
about 3 years ago, Milbank Elementary School
Bulldog Athletic Update: All athletes in grades 7-12 need a physical before they can practice. 7-12 Tennis practice started Aug 2nd. Contact Coach Trapp (abbey.trapp@k12.sd.us) for more information. High School Football begins on Aug 9th. Contact Coach Allmendinger (brian.allmendinger@k12.sd.us) for more information. 7-12 Boys Golf begins on Aug 9th. Contact Coach Keeton (mark.keeton@k12.sd.us) for more information. 7-12 Cross Country begins on Aug 12th. Contact Coach Townsend (eric.townsend@k12.sd.us) for more information. High School Volleyball begins on Aug 12th. Contact Coach Hoeke (nancy.hoeke@k12.sd.us) for more information.
about 3 years ago, Milbank Athletics
Just a reminder- School registration is set for Wednesday, August 4, from 8 am – 6 pm and Thursday, August 5, from 8 am – 1 pm at the Milbank Elementary Gym. This is for ALL students K-12. School pictures will also be taken on these days for all grades. A walk-thru Grand Opening of the new Milbank Elementary School will be held on Wednesday, August 4, from 8 am – 6 pm. Valley Queen Cheese will serve a cheeseburger/grilled cheese meal in the parking lot from 11:30 am – 2 pm and 4 pm – 5:45 pm. Free-will donation. Proceeds will go to the Bulldog Booster Club. Special Olympics will host the Malt Wagon from 10 am – 5 pm. Pre-orders can be taken until 4 pm on Tuesday, August 3, at 432-5579. Free-will donation. Milbank Elementary School is conducting an Open House for students and parents on August 11, from 4 pm to 6 pm. Milbank Middle School is having an orientation for all students in grade 6 and any new middle school students to the district, and their parents, on August 11, at 5:30 pm, in the theater. Milbank Middle School is having an Open House for all students in grades 6, 7 and 8, and their parents on August 11, from 6 pm to 7 pm. A sports meeting will be held on August 11, at 7 pm, in the theater, for all athletes and parents in grades 7-12 who plan to participate in any athletic activity. Student activity policies and sport-specific team meetings will be held. All students need to have immunizations up to date in order to be admitted to school. All kindergarten parents should report to registration to present their student’s immunization records. According to South Dakota law, minimum immunizations requirements for kindergarten through twelfth grade are: 1. Four or more doses of diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis-containing vaccine (DPT). At least one dose must have been given on or after age 4. 2. Three or more doses of poliovirus vaccine. At least one dose must have been given on or after age 4. 3. Two doses of measles/mumps/rubella virus (MMR) after the age of 12 months. 4. Chickenpox (varicella) immunization or verification that the child has had the disease. Entry into 6th-grade school year across the state need: · Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria, Pertussis) · MCV4 (Meningococcal ACYW) (Students age 11 or older are required to get one dose of the Tdap vaccine as well at MCV4 vaccine to enter sixth grade. The new law also requires all transfer students entering grades 6 – 12 to receive the vaccinations. Students entering sixth grade who are 10 years old will have 45 days after turning 11 to be vaccinated.) The first day of school for students begins on August 18, at 8:15 am. Due to staff meetings on the first day, school will be dismissed at 2 pm.
about 3 years ago, Milbank School District
If your family is in need of assistance for back-to-school supplies, applications are available in the ICAP office at the courthouse. If you have any questions, please contact Val in the ICAP office 432-6571
about 3 years ago, Milbank School District
Attention fall sport athletes: all athletes must have their physicals done before the first day of practice!
about 3 years ago, Technology Department
Reminder: Summer lunches will end on July 30th. The food service staff has done an excellent job providing meals this summer and needs time to prep for school starting up again. Also, lunch and breakfast are again free this year through June of 2022.
about 3 years ago, Milbank School District