Bulldog Athletics:
NEC Wrestling Rescheduled- Saturday, Feb 11 @ Webster
JH GBB vs. Hamlin Rescheduled- Thursday, Dec 22 @ Milbank
DH vs. Clark/Willow Lake Postponed- Working on a makeup date
Gymnastics Canceled Saturday, Dec 17
All practices canceled
No School Today 12/15/22. No E-Learning.
Bulldog Wrestling: JH wrestlers will have practice tomorrow. (12/15)
The Milbank School District will be 1-hr late tomorrow, 12/15/22. Stay tuned in the morning for updates.
Bulldog Wrestling: Tomorrow's (12/15) NEC Tournament is postponed. The makeup date will be announced at a later time.
There will be no school Wednesday, 12/14/22. Stay safe. Remember to download the school app for push notifications as well. Those that already have, please go in and make sure all notifications are still marked in your settings.
No School Tomorrow, 12/13/22, due to weather.
Weather-Related Announcement: 12/12/22
Tonight's Middle School Concert is postponed to Tuesday, Dec 20 @ 7:30.
All JH practice is canceled for tonight.
Bulldogs Athletics: Due to the impending weather, today's Shoemaker Shootout MS Wrestling meet at Webster has been postponed to a later date. (12/12/22)
The school board meeting scheduled for 6:30 tomorrow (12/13) has now been moved to noon on Tuesday (12/13) due to weather concerns.
Bulldog Athletics: The new Basketball, Wrestling, and Gymnastics apparel is available at Milbankbulldogs.com.
On October 27th, Jostens will be here to meet with the Sophomores regarding a class ring and the Seniors regarding their graduation cap and gown.
Just a reminder: The Milbank School District will be holding a screening for children that were 3 years old by September 1, 2022. This screening will take place on October 14, 2022. If you would like a screening time, please contact the Central Office, at 605-432-5579.
Go to the following page for Flu Shot Clinic information:
Bulldog Athletics: Today, JH Bulldog Football at Morris, both the 7th and 8th-Grade games are at 5:00. The 8th-Grade at Big Cat Stadium and the 7th-Grade at the DAC (greenspace near the tennis courts). (9/15/22)
Spanish Information = Cribado de ninos de 3 anos
El Distrito Escolar de Milbank IIevara a cabo una evaluacion para ninos que tenian 3 anos antes del 1 de septiembre de 2022. Esta evaluacion se IIevara a cabo en la Escuela Primaria Milbank el viernes 14 de octubre de 2022. La evaluacion del desarrollo examinara las habilidades de su hijo en las areas de motricidad, habla, lenguaje y conocimientos generales.
Las sesiones de proyeccion comenzaran a las 8:30 am y finalizaran a las 2:00 pm. Si desea que le evaluen a su hijo de 3 anos, IIame a Peggy al (605)432-5579 para programar una cita. (Las sesiones generalmente duran menos de una hora).
Comuniquese con Marie Ivers, Special Services Director, al (605) 432-6615, si tiene alguna pregunta.
3 year old screening:
The Milbank School District will be holding a screening for children that were 3 years old by September 1, 2022. This screening will occur at the Milbank Elementary School on Friday, October 14th, 2022. The developmental screening will examine your child's skills in the areas of motor, speech, language, and general knowledge.
The screening sessions will begin at 8:30 am and end at 2:00 pm. If you would like to have your 3 year old screened, please call Peggy at (605)432-5579 to make an appointment. (Sessions generally last less than a hour.)
Please contact Marie Ivers, Special Services Director, at 605-432-6615, if you have any questions.
Bulldog Athletics: JH Bulldog Football schedule on Tuesday, Sept 13, at Sioux Valley is as follows: 4:30 Combined 7/8-Grade game (mostly 8th-grade players) followed by an additional half of football (mostly 7th-Gade players).
Bulldog Athletics: Lady Bulldog Volleyball schedule on Tuesday, Sept 13, is as follows: 4:00 8th-Grade (NO 7th-Grade), 5:15 C, 6:15 JV, 7:30 V. All of the games are in the Armory.
This is a test. Go Bulldogs!